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The Florida Aviation Network is an "In the Clear" satellite broadcast system that promotes Aviation and Aviation Safety.

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In the Clear

What does  "In the Clear" really mean?  

The Florida Aviation Network (FAN) is a project of the National Aviation Safety Foundation.  The National Aviation Safety Foundation is a group whose objective is dedicated to producing videos and programs aimed at enhancing “aviation safety”, through educational programs at designated facilities. 

Our volunteer production crew members are “professionals” in their own right, from airline crews to TV and broadcast professionals.  They contribute their time and expertise to make the various projects successful.  

During the year we provide extensive support for projects, perform safety seminars, and provide a wide dissemination of safety related information to all interested parties.  These activities are recorded and produced specifically for the individual organizations who we “partner” with, to promote aviation safety across the spectrum.

Simply stated, we are an organization that promotes aviation and aviation safety.  The “broadcast” and “production” parts of the operation are tools (among others) that we use in order to accomplish those goals.

For example, say an aviation group like “The Puddle Jumpers” (not a real group) has a membership of 20,000 that live throughout the United States.  The Florida Aviation Network can help and support the group and their agenda by providing a live or prerecorded program via satellite broadcast or the internet to communicate important educational information to the membership.   It is very important that “The Puddle Jumper” organization itself advise their membership through their regular communication channels like in a monthly magazine or email, that the event is occurring and how they can see it.

The methodology and process of the Florida Aviation Network can sometimes be “misunderstood”.  Our organization works hard to provide services to our “partners” so that these organizations can benefit themselves, and thereby promote safety in their particular venue of aviation.  The FAN organization has been designated, among other things, as the “Official Sun ’n Fun TV Network”.  But Sun ’n Fun is only one organization that we partner with. 

Sometimes technical terms in the satellite broadcast industry are confusing. For example, the term “In the Clear” means that the video and audio product created by FAN will not be restricted or otherwise inhibited from being re-broadcast, streamed, or scrambled.   The recordings are given to the “partner” organization as their property, to use as they see fit to benefit their organization in the name of safety.  Another term often used in satellite broadcast circles is “Free to Air.”  This essentially means that the broadcast being sent to the satellite for distribution is not being “scrambled” such as commercial or cable television broadcasts are.

By partnering with FAN services being provided are a mere fraction of Commercial Television production costs.  However, there are “minimal” costs involved.  The typical daily cost for a commercially produced remote broadcast is about $7,000 to $10,000 for the equipment and personnel.  There normally would be an additional fee if an unedited recording is provided.    

The Florida Aviation Network, however, offers to produce and broadcast your safety oriented project, of professional quality, for much, much less.  That is our specialty.  When we operate a “remote shoot” project we would normally record the program and deliver an unedited copy to the organization for their use.  The only request we have is that the Florida Aviation Network be credited with the work.

If you want a full “turn- key production” we could job that out.  The going rate is about $3,000/ min. for the video produced.  (We just do not have the time to undertake that portion of a project) 

FAN has year round sponsors that commit to our basic funding along with the commitment of industry organizations to assist with our basic operational costs.  However, there are costs.  Depending on the complexity of the desired video recording, broadcast, internet streaming, etc., a fully complete video project can be produced by our volunteers for very little compared to commercial production costs, and you can broadcast it free and In the Clear!